Gerald began dinking with computers when Apple first hit the streets. He has a Bachelors degree in Agronomy and Ag-Economics from Univeristy of Nebraska -Lincoln and spends a lot of time building and repairing – whether it is a combine, tractor or computer. He started buying used computers at state surplus auctions, refurb and sell. He developed websites for local businesses and government agencies.

Gerald met Kim on-line (yes, the E-Harmony commercials are true), and she fit into the computer business just fine. Kim has a Bachelors degree in Forest Management and a Masters degree in Civil Engineering, GIS from University of Colorado – Denver. Her first computer programs were written in BASIC and COBOL, put on punch cards and run on the school main frame. In her first forestry job, she dove into dBASE programming to improve efficiency for finding landowners of over 4800 land parcels that needed to be informed of an aerial spray program, then generated labels and combined multiple parcels for one owner – reducing letters printed, envelopes stuffed and postage used. During her next forestry job she designed the first website for the division and became computer technical specialist in addition to maintaining work in the woods.

Family farmers in America have had to diversify their work load to survive the ups and downs that go with the commodity markets. PC Nuts and PC Nuts Hosting evolved to include custom programming and website design, keeping up with changing technology. And if you need some assistance with a logo design, Kim’s sister Jamie is an artist and works with them when needed. She designed the PC Nuts logo.